Tuesday, December 18, 2007

craters lab

today alice, lilly, and i did the craters lab. it was really fun to play with the flour. there was an obvious pattern in the drops (inches):
the compass ball's width increased by 1/4 each time (every 2 inches)
the ping pong ball' width increased by 1/2 the fist time and stayed at 3 for the rest
the golf ball's depth incresed by 1/2 each time


Monday, December 17, 2007

motors lab

so today we did the magnetic motors lab with me, maddy and rose. the first part of the experiment we did and i didn't work but then we realized that we had to tape it on both ends and it worked. the second part of the lab was kind of confusing and i tried to make it but i didn't strip enough green stuff of the copper for it to work. it was fun and i liked trying out different situations to get it to work.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

recovery systems

today we played with parachutes. madeira, taryn and i each made our own parachute. taryn's bag was cut in half so it was smaller and had a hole at the top. madeira's bag didn't have a hole at the top and it broke. mine had 4 strings and a hole. the hairdryer kind of burnt it so we went to the stairs. it went pretty smooth but then one of the strings broke and it flew much softer.

Friday, October 5, 2007

motion detector lab

so today we played around with motion detectors. it was kind of hard because when you where triyng to match your speed to a line on the graph, it got really jiggly whenever you made the smallest move. i thought it was interesting when you had the three graphs for one motion because the first graph was a really smooth slope but the third graph was really jagged. and whenever you walked backward the line went up but if you started in the back and walked forward the line went down. and when you were trying to move really slow it was still jagged which i found odd.

Africa scores

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

mechanics lab

yesterday my group, anja, kathryn and me had to put together little lego machines using IM. it was really confusing, especially when kathryn left. bert said we could use video chat which made it a LOT easier because we could see what each of us where doing. anja had this really weird shape thing even though mine was really simple. i think it was really fun trying to put things together on im and we got 3 of them done.

SCIENCE! swimming on the moon

i think that if you dive into a pool on the moon you would
  1. not go very deep
  2. go really slow
because the force of gravity is only 1.6 compared to the earths 9.8. so the force pulling you down wouldn't be very strong. and you would probably only go down a few feet in the pool. and the acceleration due to gravity is so week you wouldn't make as big of a splash in the pool.

Monday, October 1, 2007

launching from the moon lab

this afternoon my group, honore, clara and i tried to launch a balloon up a string to the wall. the first test we taped a balloon to a straw, but we taped it to far down. so the next test we taped it on the middle of the balloon and it went up. i did this test in the 4th grade so i tried to use what i remembered from then to get the balloon up. next we taped a wheel to the balloon but it was to heavy so we used four. it didn't go up because we pinched the balloons to tight and the didn't open. i wonder what would of happened if we had used more balloons because if we had more air force it would minamize the gravity and it might of carried the wheel.over all i think we did pretty good :)

bernouli's assignment

my old blog didn't work so this is a little late.
i decided to do 2 peices of paper for my bernoulis assignment. if you blow between the 2, the go together. i didn't get how it worked at first but now i realize that a fast moving fluid can be air and when air is blown between the 2 it pulls them together.